AquaStretch™ for high level function body


People with high level function body (like Yoga, Athletes, Dancers, sports etc') will benefit greatly from AquaStretch™ (A/S).

AquaStretch™ was developed by Dr George Eversaul as a recovery and helping tool for athletes amongst many other benefits.

When working with a high level functional body (like Yoga, dancers, athletes, etc`) the results are amazing - people report that their practice got improved by more than 20% on average after 1st session.

Recovery from excessive workout and injuries with the help of AquaStretch™ is dramatically shorter, easier, and painless. An A/S session on a regular basis and as soon as possible after the workout or injury will make the recovery much easier and faster.

Unlike traditional chiropractic, physical therapy or massage, we work in hot water. The hot water, inner flotation, lack of gravity and limitations, allows us to get much faster and better results than other modalities and lasts on average 3-4 times longer, even when other modalities did not help.

Get rid of lactic acid in a fracture of the time it takes naturally
Achieve much better range of motion
Get fast, good, and deep recovery after workout, training, and injuries
Improvement with mobility and flexibility

Carpal tunnel, Tennis elbow, Frozen shoulder - are only a few of the conditions we can help with.


Help Headaches and Migraines with AquaStretch™


“Lazy stretch” - the best simple way to start your day