Sciatica pain and related issues resolved by AquaStretch™

AquaStretch™ (A/S) is an aquatic MyoFascial release wellness procedure.
We believe that the body knows best what it needs. That's why the practitioner will trigger and follow the receiver's intuitive movement in order to correct itself.

Unlike traditional chiropractic, physical therapy or massage, we work in hot water. The hot water allows us to get much faster and better results that lasts on average 5-7 times longer, even when other modalities did not help.

The water allows the receiver's body to move freely without boundaries so there's no limitation for movement and improvement.

Sciatic nerve goes down from the brain and splits in the low back area down to each leg.
Many times even a small pressure can cause pain, discomfort, and even disability. It’s very hard to make a correct diagnosis and recommend the right treatment. That’s why most of the time the diagnosis for Sciatica is nerve damage. When in reality in most cases it’s just pressure on it and can be fixed with no surgery or other invasive ways.
Many reasons can be for that pressure - bulging disk, disk dislocation, muscle and fascia pressure, calcification, bone, and many other reasons. Pressure on the nerve can create pain, numbness, dropped foot, and many different other issues.

Our goal is to take care of the cause as soon as possible before the body starts to create defense mechanisms that in turn will become additional real issues. And of course try to eliminate the need of surgery.

The A/S practitioner will work on the low back, sacrum, hips, gluts and whatever the body intuitively asks in order to correct itself by relieving the pressure and solving the cause of the issue. Results are immediate.

Sciatica pain relief

Back, shoulders, neck, and head pain relief by AquaStretch™


Help Headaches and Migraines with AquaStretch™