Back, shoulders, neck, and head pain relief by AquaStretch™

AquaStretch™ (AS) is an aquatic MyoFascial release wellness procedure that has shown great results with pain relief and restore movement.
The water allows the receiver's body to move freely without boundaries so there's no limitation for movement and improvement.

We believe that the body knows best what it needs in order to correct itself.
The AquaStretch™ practitioner will use a few trigger points and special movements and stretches to follow the client’s intuitive movement.

Unlike traditional chiropractic, physical therapy or massage, we work in hot water. The hot water allows us to get much faster and better results that lasts on average 3-4 times longer even when other modalities didn’t help.

We will guide the client’s body into a slow, gentle, safe, big and very effective spine rotation and special low back stretch. Taking care of the neck, shoulders, low back, sacrum, L4 -L5, ribs, and everything in between.

The practitioner will find and release the calcifications and stuckness that leads to lack of mobility, frozen shoulder, neck, elbow, hand, carpal tunnel, arthritis, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia and more

Many issues are getting misdiagnosed too many times.
Because of that, the traditional approach that involves medication or even surgery, is not always the best solution. 
When using AquaStretch™ to resolve these issues and pain, the results are immediate and non-invasive.

AquaStretch™ done by a professional, can NOT hurt the client, so it’s ALWAYS worth trying it before invasive or pharmaceutical procedures.

Good examples are Carpal Tunnel syndrome and Sciatica - Very high success rates with AquaStretch™ without medications or surgery.  Traditional approach on the other hand recommends strong medication and almost always a surgery.

After the hands and shoulders are clear, the practitioner will focus on the neck and head.
Many head, neck and shoulder issues are connected and can also lead to chronic headaches, migraines, stiff neck, back pain, frozen shoulder, balance issues, hand numbness, neuropathy, and more.

In the hot water, cranial release and neck adjustments are much easier and soft for the body.
We won't do any mobilization on your body. The water allows the body to do it's own mobilization in a gentle, easy, safe, and natural way.

* Please see our blog “shoulders exercises” about keeping your shoulders and neck in a good shape

Back pain relied

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Legs, hips, and low back pain relief by AquaStretch™


Sciatica pain and related issues resolved by AquaStretch™