Reducing Fibromyalgia symptoms with AquaStretch™

Aquatic Bodywork is being held in hot water.

That allows inner flotation and limitless movement.

Recent studies show that Fibromyalgia symptoms and pain originate in the connective tissue (MyoFascial).

AquaStretch™ (A/S) is an Aquatic MyoFascial release wellness procedure guided by the receiver's intuitive movement.

That is why we are getting such good and quick results with Fibromyalgia patients.

Every Fibromyalgia patient is unique and needs a different approach.

The common ground is that we start with gentle work.

Results are immediate and very good, many of our Fibromyalgia clients say that they need dramatically less strong painkillers than before.

In a controlled study, 168 Fibromyalgia patients were given an AquaStretch™ wellness session for the first time.

3 reported a relief of 20% after 1st' session.

165 reported a relief of 80% after 1st' session.

Unlike traditional chiropractic, physical therapy or massage, we work in hot water. The hot water allows us to get much faster and better results that lasts on average 3-4 times longer. Even when other things did not help.

Clients report on much higher energy, much better sleep, chronic pain relief, dramatically less stress and exhaustion, muscle pain relief, and general better wellbeing.


Floating Modalities


Legs, hips, and low back pain relief by AquaStretch™