Legs, hips, and low back pain relief by AquaStretch™

AquaStretch™ (A/S) is an aquatic MyoFascial release wellness procedure that has shown great results.
We believe that the body knows best what it needs in order to correct itself.
The Aqua Stretch™ practitioner will use a few trigger points on the receiver's feet and ankles and follow the intuitive movement.

This is how we can help the body open joints, break and remove calcifications, release tissue stuckness, and anything else that the body shows the need of.

After clearing feet and ankles, we can focus on hips, pelvic, and low back.

By triggering and following the receiver’s intuitive movement, the AS practitioner will help the body to achieve better movement, loose and painless rotations, help with low back issues and pain, sciatica, leg, knee, ankle, foot, tow, fibromyalgia, neurological issues, Neuropathy and numbness, sacrum, hips, pelvic, L4 - L5, ribs, and more. 

An A/S session is highly recommended for people suffering from balance problems, walking issues, and related problems.

When working with high level functional bodies (like Yoga, dancers, athletes, etc`) the results are amazing - people report that their practice got improved by more than 20% on average after 1st session.

Pain relief

Reducing Fibromyalgia symptoms with AquaStretch™


Back, shoulders, neck, and head pain relief by AquaStretch™